The Infinite Kind Blog

I hope you’re ready for the sixth update to Moneydance 2015! There’s a long list of changes, all of which are listed after the break. As always, we welcome your feedback as we work to make Moneydance the best software for managing your money.

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets a stupendous 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

We invite you to download Moneydance 2015, or upgrade from a previous install. If you don’t mind a few minor restrictions (such as not having the extension/plugin installer) you can even purchase Moneydance on the Mac App Store once this update has made its way through the review process.

Syrian Refugee Support Today

16 September 2015

If you were considering purchasing Moneydance, SyncSpace or SketchTo, then act now! 100% of today’s purchases will be donated to Doctors Without Borders to assist in helping the millions of Syrian refugees that are trying to find safety.

There are a bunch of other great apps which are part of this effort, and you can find out more at DevAssist: Syria Relief. Get some great software and help people who could really use a hand.

Syrian Refugee Support

15 September 2015

A loose collection of software developers has organised to create DevAssist: Syria Relief in which every participating company will donate 100% of their sales on 16 September (tomorrow!) towards the relief effort. As a result, people get great software and contribute towards refugee relief at the same time!

The Infinite Kind will be taking part in this effort, donating all of our sales on the 16th towards Doctors Without Borders. We encourage anyone considering purchasing Moneydance, SyncSpace, or SketchTo to do so on the 16th in order to make sure the price of your purchase goes towards this worthy cause, helping the millions of people displaced by war.

Please consider re-posting/re-tweeting a link to in order to recruit both more software developers and supporters.

I’m overjoyed to announce the fourth update to Moneydance 2015! This version is packed full of bug fixes and improvements, many of which were reported or requested by our wonderful customers. We appreciate all of your feedback and look forward to incorporating more of it into future updates!

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets a stupendous 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

As always, you can download Moneydance 2015 here, or if you are updating from a previous version, here. I’m happy to say that Moneydance 2015 is finally available directly from the Mac App Store:

If you see the old version of Moneydance on the Mac App Store then please retry after an hour as the change may still be propagating through Apple’s system.

Please note however that the Mac App Store version of Moneydance is limited in some ways including not having the extension/plugin installer and receiving less frequent updates.

I’m extremely happy to announce the third update to Moneydance 2015. This version is packed full of bug fixes and improvements. We appreciate all of your feedback and look forward to incorporating more of it into future updates!

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets a massive 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer.

As always, you can find the new version here, or if you are updating from a previous version, here.

Below is a list of the improvements in this update:

  • Restore popup tag selector to the transaction tags field
  • Darken the font for balances on the sidebar to improve visibility
  • Fixes for archiving data files via File -> Archive
  • Sort exchange rate and security price history to always have the most recent changes at the top
  • Sort Payees alphabetically in Send Payments window
  • Fix securities detail price history stock graph
  • Fix SunCoast FCU and Vantage CU online connection issues
  • Remember "Filter by tag" setting in all graphs and reports
  • Fix bug in transaction search report caused by using old transaction IDs
  • Fix garbled fonts in some instances on Windows
  • Fix losing changes made when recording reminders
  • Always use the most recent matching auto-complete for transaction descriptions/payees
  • Fix tags not being applied to transaction reminders
  • Improve performance when shift-clicking multiple (especially unconfirmed) transactions
  • Fix ConcurrentModificationException errors
  • Include cost per share in the security detail view
  • Include cost per share and ticker symbols in the portfolio view of investment accounts
  • Fix bug in which tag auto-completion failed if there was a space after the comma between tags
  • Fixes to the Net worth widget
  • Fixes lot matching
  • Fix investment transaction report
  • Fix bug in which report parameters were not being saved in memorised reports
  • Show plus sign for scheduled deposits in reminder summary page widget
  • Fix accounts not being remembered in memorized transaction report settings if the account name contains a space
  • Fix precision bug when storing some security/currency price values
  • Fix bug when batch-changing tags on multiple transactions
  • Sort entries in description field popup when entering a transaction
  • Restored console message indicating the full path to the data file when opened
  • Preserve expanded/collapsed setting for accounts on the summary page
  • Minor GUI updates

I must admit, the initial release of Moneydance 2015 was rocky. There were far more bugs than I’m comfortable having shipped. It was embarrassing for me and made using Moneydance difficult for our customers. This update, version 2015.2, brings stability back to Moneydance.

For a limited time, we’ve made available an RSS feed that shows improvements and changes as they are made. For a simple text version, click here. This just to show that we’re continuing to improve Moneydance at a faster pace than ever.

If you purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets an immense 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer.

Below is a list of the improvements in this update:

  • Many fixes for Dropbox syncing
  • Fix crash when starting Moneydance on some Mac OS X configurations
  • Fix intermittent problems with opening Moneydance on Windows (32bit)
  • Fix bug that prevented migrating Quicken Essentials data
  • Fix bug that prevented attachments from being deleted
  • Fix data duplication in some instances when upgrading from a previous version
  • Improve performance and lower RAM usage
  • Fix duplicate downloaded transactions
  • Fix reminders for every N months reverting to every month
  • No longer ask to save a transaction twice when another transaction is selected while there are pending changes to the selected transaction
  • Fix issue with iOS and Android apps showing the wrong currency for accounts and when entering transactions
  • Fix report and graph memorisation
  • Fix import problems with Text Importer extension
  • Fix loan account reminder creation
  • Add status bar updates when syncing and saving occurs
  • Fix currency/security snapshots and splits going missing (should restore lost ones)
  • Improve graph quality for retina displays
  • Fix Account Balances report when an as-of date is set
  • Fix hide on homepage setting not being honored
  • Sort currencies and securities alphabetically on the summary screen
  • Sort online payees alphabetically in the online bill payment window
  • Fix the creation of an initial transfer transaction upon creating/editing a loan account
  • Budget status table is now refreshed properly when editing budget items
  • Make error message when clicking cancel when prompted for a password human-readable
  • Fix lower-casing of autocompleted tags
  • Fixed inability to create new reminders from the calendar context menu
  • Prevent duplicated (and triplicated!) transactions when importing from QIF
  • Fix bug where new automatically created security accounts under investment accounts (such as when downloading/importing via ofx/qfx) would name the sub-account with the security ID rather than the security name.