Moneydance 2015.4 - Personal Finance, Refined

I’m overjoyed to announce the fourth update to Moneydance 2015! This version is packed full of bug fixes and improvements, many of which were reported or requested by our wonderful customers. We appreciate all of your feedback and look forward to incorporating more of it into future updates!

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets a stupendous 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

As always, you can download Moneydance 2015 here, or if you are updating from a previous version, here. I’m happy to say that Moneydance 2015 is finally available directly from the Mac App Store:

If you see the old version of Moneydance on the Mac App Store then please retry after an hour as the change may still be propagating through Apple’s system.

Please note however that the Mac App Store version of Moneydance is limited in some ways including not having the extension/plugin installer and receiving less frequent updates.

Here’s the full list of improvements in this update:

  • If a report row references a split transaction, 'drilling down' into it now opens the transaction in the entry account register rather than the category register
  • Batch changing the category now works for bank transactions in investment account registers
  • Handle foreign currency information when importing/downloading transactions
  • Show security name in lot matching window title
  • Tweak report title font size
  • Fixed loop when cancelling lot matching window
  • Sort transactions by date in detailed cash flow report
  • Improve consistency in reports when showing the description and memo fields for the other sides of transactions
  • Show the new-transaction panel at the top of the register when the sort order has more recent transactions appearing at the top
  • Unset reconciling status when duplicating a cleared transaction, since the duplicate should be considered new.
  • Show more consistent description and memo fields in transaction reports
  • Fixed bug that is often triggered by removing certain budgets from the sidebar
  • When re-connecting an account to an OFX service, we no longer reset the last-download date so that the next connection doesn't re-download all available transactions (which could go back quite a while)
  • Tab/comma-delimited exports now properly format dates
  • Fix bug in which expanded/collapsed sidebar section state was not preserved
  • Many behind-the-scenes improvements to budget bars and account selection
  • Move File->Export Archive menu to just below the regular Export menu
  • Fix bug that caused inter-currency reminder notifications to have any prices/rates overwritten when being applied
  • Updated linux installers/packages to use java 1.8.0_45
  • Fixed summary screen budgets in which the selected budget (or whether a budget was selected) wouldn't be remembered, resulting in lots of "not in budget" labels appearing for categories which were actually in a budget
  • Fix bug that excluded certain possible buy transactions from lot matching
  • Fix bug that caused the 'available shares' column to be inaccurate when matching stock purchase/sale lots
  • Fix a sorting error that could occur when opening an insanely huge register full of transactions with the same date and entry date-time
  • Under-the-hood changes relating to transaction sorting
  • Hopefully fix an issue in which investment performance graphs don't adjust for splits until after a restart immediately after updating from Moneydance 2014
  • Automatically select the budget item row when editing a budget item
  • Fix budget editor/viewer bug that used way more CPU than necessary
  • Ensure security/stock splits are always sorted to make sure that security history graphs and calculations are properly computed
  • Avoid stack overflow errors in cases when account hierarchies are broken (such as if an account is set as its own parent)
  • Add CA certificate for SecureTrust to allow Marshland FCU to work
  • Fixed bug in which an account could possibly be set as the parent of one of it's ancestors, causing a rift in space-time
  • Fix sidebar scrollbar background colour on windows
  • Fix alignment of preference options for decimal points
  • Make budget bar font more readable and match new theme better
  • Added preference setting to use higher contrast colours
  • Slight improvement to performance when showing unconfirmed transaction details or transaction attachments in the register
  • Fixed bug in which no transaction attachments were displayed for transactions with more than one attachment
  • Improved presentation of transaction attachments
  • Set a sensible name for print jobs
  • Restore the ability to request a wider date range for certain banks when downloading transactions
  • Fix bug when syncing updates to split transactions from mobile devices
  • Fix bug in the install-extensions window
  • Fix horrible title font size and lack of antialiasing in printed reports
  • Fix foreground colour differences in bank vs investment registers
  • Add fields/settings for credit card accounts: payment type, rate expiration, etc (merged from Debt Insights extension)
  • Show transaction details in a slightly more readable format (no more XML ugliness)
  • Add a DebtPaymentSpec account setting to the core API (merged from Debt Insights extension)
  • Exclude inactive accounts from the download all action.
  • Fix for garbled text bug that affects some Windows computers.
  • Vastly improve UI performance when many values are updated in many different parts of the UI
  • Duplicated investment transactions now retain their internal tags which identify the kind of transaction (ie Dividend, MiscIncome, etc)
  • Added a marker to future transactions that has high contrast with the foreground/background colours to ensure that they stand out for all types of colour-blindness
  • Improved lot matching UI to prevent buy transactions from displaying when no sell transaction is selected
  • Implement probably undetectable speedups
  • Fixed bug in which lot matching information from MD2014 was not reflected in the MD2015 UI
  • Added Symantec intermediate CA certificate to allow trusted connections to Hilliard Lyons bank (which doesn't send the intermediate cert).
  • Use numeric/monospaced font for values in security detail
  • Added Verisign Root CA Certificate
  • Fix bug in which online banking payee list changes are not saved across restarts
  • Minor fix for locale display in preferences
  • Use a 64 bit number when calculating the next check number, to avoid overflow in very rare circumstances
  • Added Dutch Locale (thanks to Gideon van Melle!)
  • updated German text (thanks to Marc Kaulisch!)
  • More tweaking of the font used for numeric fields
  • Transactions recorded locally from an online bill payment now use the "processing" date provided by the bank upon submission of the payment, but only if it makes sense.
  • The online bill payment panel now requests confirmation before deleting a payee or cancelling a payment
  • No longer use light-grey for the second row of transaction details in the register
  • Increase contrast between foreground and background colours in the register; especially for future transactions.
  • Use numeric/monospaced font for rates and foreign amounts in the register
  • Trying out some alternative fonts for numeric values
  • Temporarily restrict secure connections to TLS1 because BB&T's (and other bank's) OFX servers will not negotiate a TLS1.1 or 1.2 connection
  • When submitting online bill payments, if the bank returns a "processed date" of today then use the payment date
  • When matching downloaded transactions that have check numbers, allow a 3x wider date window for potential merges
  • Fixed bug in which duplicating an existing mixed-interval (old style) budget caused the copy to become a new style budget
  • Entries in the transaction entry payee/description popup and now sorted properly