The Infinite Kind Blog

We are happy to announce that Moneydance 2017.7 is now available for download and will shortly be available on the Mac App Store! This version includes multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here’s a list of the changes -

  • Fix syncing bug that caused Moneydance to re-download changes since the last local save. This speeds up file loading, syncing, and prevents the data from jumping around shortly after launch
  • Improved finding and filtering of similar previous transactions when showing match and merge options for unconfirmed downloaded transactions
  • QIF file importer now uses a security's relative base currency when importing security prices and has improved logic for when historical prices are imported or ignored in favor of more recent existing prices
  • Fixed budget calculation of un-budgeted transactions when a category is budgeted in some but not all time periods
  • Importing a security's history in the current/historical price window now interprets prices based on the relative currency set
  • Automatic updating of a security's price from transaction entry now correctly translates from non-base currency investment accounts
  • API/model change to preserve more specific investment transaction types (buy, sell, div, divreinv, dirxfr, short, cover, etc instead of combining them into buy/sell, dividend, short/cover, etc)
  • Add ability for security and currency histories to be manually imported with more flexible headers (including Alphavantage CSV files)
  • Fixed bug that prevented wildcard imports of Moneydance classes from Python scripts
  • Re-enabled as-you-type price and amount updating when changing existing investment transactions
  • Fixed connection problems with Fidelity Investments and Country Bank for Savings
  • Fixed graphical glitch when collapsing or expanding sub-accounts on the summary screen
  • Suppress redundant pushes to mobile sync folder (and the resulting notifications, which alas are a bug that must be fixed on the Dropbox side)
  • Fix layout of portfolio panel when returning to the portfolio view from a different view

Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us continue to improve Moneydance!

Moneydance 2017.6

15 December 2017

I’m happy to say that Moneydance 2017.6 is now available for download as well as on the Mac App Store! This version includes a bevy of improvements and bug fixes.

Here’s the list of changes:

  • Improved investment portfolio screen layout
  • Updated Stock Quotes and Exchange Rate updater to use
  • Streamline online banking setup process
  • Tweak connection headers to satisfy BBVA Compass online banking server
  • Improve interface for opening a synced file
  • When finding autocompletion matches, allow matches from other accounts if no similar transactions were found in the current account
  • Updated Python interpreter to version 2.7.1
  • Added CA certificates to enable connections to more online services including, Capital One Investing, and others.
  • Fixed translate currencies tool window
  • Mute dropbox notifications when writing sync files unless debug flag is set (such as when console window is open)
  • Security detail transaction register now remembers column width settings
  • Clicking the blank area at the bottom of a register (such as in the reconciliation window) no longer treats it as a click on the last transaction
  • Fixed bug that prevented changing the rate for an existing currency or security history entry via the API (such as the Security Price Entry extension)
  • Improvements to online transaction confirmation options (removing redundant merge option)
  • Better handle erroneous transactions when loading data to prevent sync loops
  • Tweak mac app bundle info to workaround missing menubar on high sierra in non-English locales
  • Fix About Moneydance window to always show the correct build number
  • Fix Welcome to Moneydance window to always show the correct build number
  • Work around macOS High Sierra bug that caused a crash when certain file chooser windows are invoked
  • Fix bug preventing correct entry of share values for securities with 10 or more digits
  • Fix bug preventing auto-categorisation of downloaded transactions that have a very short (under 4 characters) description

Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us continue to improve Moneydance!

I’m happy to say that Moneydance 2017.5 is now available for download from our site or the Mac App Store! This version includes a bevy of improvements and bug fixes.

Here’s the list of changes:

  • Workaround for file load/save window crash on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)
  • Fix issue that duplicated existing transactions after they were changed on a mobile device
  • Fix built-in text file import to not ignore credit_amount and debit_amount fields
  • Fixed issue with online banking/investment connections to Vanguard
  • No longer dismiss the new-file-from-sync window until the initial sync has successfully completed
  • Avoid warning/info messages when custom security subtypes are loaded or changed
  • Handle situations in which synced data can be left inconsistent if Moneydance crashed or was killed before the initial sync completed
  • Ignore some generic prefixes in the description/payee fields for the purposes of finding similar downloaded and local transactions
  • Added encrypted storage and handling of HTTP cookies for OFX connections
  • Added markers showing the date and price of buy or sell transactions on the security detail graph (thanks to James Larus!)
  • Prevent unnecessary modifications which require pushing new data sets to mobile devices and sometimes causing numerous Dropbox modification exceptions
  • Fix bug in which the 'other amount' field for a transaction is editable even if the transaction being edited is split
  • Fix bug that auto-set an incorrect historic rate or stock price when manually entering a dividend transaction
  • Dropbox sync uploads now no longer invoke notifications
  • Performance improvements mostly related to investing and currencies with many historical price entries
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for marking selected transactions as uncleared, reconciling, or cleared
  • Updated Linux installers to use the latest Oracle JVM

Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us continue to improve Moneydance!

We’ve had a busy weekend here at The Infinite Kind HQ! All three Moneydance apps (desktop, iOS, and Android) have been updated and pushed to their various distribution channels. You can get the desktop version of Moneydance 2017.4 from the usual place, or get the Android and iPhone/iPad apps from their respective stores.

In case you’re wondering what’s changed in the desktop app, here’s the list:

  • Restored 'best match' indicator to the downloaded transaction confirmation interface. Use command+enter to confirm a downloaded transaction with the highlighted action
  • Fixed bug in Python scripting
  • Detect slow extensions and log performance information (locally)
  • Fix bug preventing Dropbox syncing from working properly when the sync folder grows beyond 2000 updates
  • Improved detection of duplicate downloaded transactions </ul> Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us make all of the apps better!

We’re excited to announce that Moneydance 2017.3 is now available! With many fixes and improvements, this update makes Moneydance nicer, faster, more efficient, and more reliable than ever before. Here are just a few highlights:

  • Improved computer-to-computer syncing and smoother setup of synced computers. Simply install Moneydance on any computer and select the File->New menu and choose the Open Synced File option to have full access to your finances from anywhere. Changes are automatically synced between computers without fear of conflict.
  • Improved Scripting with Python: In addition to the Python script runner, this version includes some additional Python Libraries (Requests, and mathplotlib) as well as the ability to load and run extensions written in Python, or more easily edit and run your own scripts.
  • New text file importer! Import all kinds of text files (CSV, tab-delimited, etc) with automatic delimiter, field type, and date format detection. It also detects and eliminates duplicates, cleans up descriptions, and automatically guesses categories based on previous imports.

A major (but not new) feature is our absolute defense of your privacy. All of your data stays on your computer, encrypted and completely under your control. If you enable syncing then your data is communicated over a medium that you choose (either Dropbox, or a shared folder of your choice). All synced data is fully end-to-end encrypted, which means that even Dropbox (or your chosen shared file service) cannot decrypt and access the data. Unlike most other financial software, Moneydance never uploads your online banking password to anyone but your bank. If online banking privacy and security is a concern, we’ve stated our policies and consider the privacy of your financial data an enormous responsibility. Basically, we think of Moneydance as the Duck Duck Go of personal finance software.

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2015 then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version gets 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

Please download Moneydance 2017.3 directly for a free trial. If you’re on a Mac and don’t mind a few restrictions (such as not having the extension/plugin installer) you can even purchase Moneydance on the Mac App Store.

We welcome your feedback as we work to make Moneydance more amazing! You can get in touch with us by email or on the web.

The rumours are true! Moneydance 2017 is available now, packed with improvements that make managing your money easier and faster. As usual Moneydance has fantastic support for online banking & bill payment, credit card & bank account management, budgeting, investing, mobile app syncing and more. This version brings big improvements including the following highlights:

  • Sync your files seamlessly and efficiently across computers and mobile devices using our fully encrypted incremental syncing engine. Moneydance can now use any shared folder (such as Dropbox) to quickly sync your financial data conflict-free, using end-to-end encryption to maintain your privacy.
  • Python! Moneydance now has integrated support for Python scripts that you can use to manipulate your data and perform custom calculations or actions. Use our built-in script editor to run simple scripts on your data, or build your own extensions to Moneydance. Python is a widely used, high-level programming language that is powerful enough for experts but also easy enough for programming novices.
  • Style! Choose from multiple beautiful colour schemes or create your own to customise the look of Moneydance. Want a dark mode, natural colours, or extra high contrast? Use one of the built-in themes or customise them to match your decor with just a few clicks.

A major (but not new) feature is our absolute defense of your privacy. All of your data stays on your computer, encrypted and completely under your control. If you enable syncing then your data is communicated over a medium that you choose (either Dropbox, or a shared folder of your choice). All synced data is fully end-to-end encrypted, which means that even Dropbox (or your chosen shared file service) cannot decrypt and access the data. Unlike most other financial software, Moneydance never uploads your online banking password to anyone but your bank. If online banking privacy and security is a concern, we’ve stated our policies and consider the privacy of your financial data an enormous responsibility. Basically, we think of Moneydance as the Duck Duck Go of personal finance software.

Moneydance 2017 also includes many more small improvements and bug fixes that will make managing your finances not just easier but fun! An exhaustive list of those changes are included below.

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2015 then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version gets 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

You can download Moneydance 2017 from our website to get the latest release. If you don’t mind a few minor restrictions (such as not having the extension/plugin installer) you can even purchase Moneydance on the Mac App Store once this update has made its way through the review process.

We welcome your feedback as we work to make Moneydance more amazing! You can get in touch with us by email or on the web.
