Update: Moneydance 2017.4, desktop and mobile

We’ve had a busy weekend here at The Infinite Kind HQ! All three Moneydance apps (desktop, iOS, and Android) have been updated and pushed to their various distribution channels. You can get the desktop version of Moneydance 2017.4 from the usual place, or get the Android and iPhone/iPad apps from their respective stores.

In case you’re wondering what’s changed in the desktop app, here’s the list:

  • Restored 'best match' indicator to the downloaded transaction confirmation interface. Use command+enter to confirm a downloaded transaction with the highlighted action
  • Fixed bug in Python scripting
  • Detect slow extensions and log performance information (locally)
  • Fix bug preventing Dropbox syncing from working properly when the sync folder grows beyond 2000 updates
  • Improved detection of duplicate downloaded transactions </ul> Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us make all of the apps better!