Update: Moneydance 2017.7

We are happy to announce that Moneydance 2017.7 is now available for download and will shortly be available on the Mac App Store! This version includes multiple improvements and bug fixes.

Here’s a list of the changes -

  • Fix syncing bug that caused Moneydance to re-download changes since the last local save. This speeds up file loading, syncing, and prevents the data from jumping around shortly after launch
  • Improved finding and filtering of similar previous transactions when showing match and merge options for unconfirmed downloaded transactions
  • QIF file importer now uses a security's relative base currency when importing security prices and has improved logic for when historical prices are imported or ignored in favor of more recent existing prices
  • Fixed budget calculation of un-budgeted transactions when a category is budgeted in some but not all time periods
  • Importing a security's history in the current/historical price window now interprets prices based on the relative currency set
  • Automatic updating of a security's price from transaction entry now correctly translates from non-base currency investment accounts
  • API/model change to preserve more specific investment transaction types (buy, sell, div, divreinv, dirxfr, short, cover, etc instead of combining them into buy/sell, dividend, short/cover, etc)
  • Add ability for security and currency histories to be manually imported with more flexible headers (including Alphavantage CSV files)
  • Fixed bug that prevented wildcard imports of Moneydance classes from Python scripts
  • Re-enabled as-you-type price and amount updating when changing existing investment transactions
  • Fixed connection problems with Fidelity Investments and Country Bank for Savings
  • Fixed graphical glitch when collapsing or expanding sub-accounts on the summary screen
  • Suppress redundant pushes to mobile sync folder (and the resulting notifications, which alas are a bug that must be fixed on the Dropbox side)
  • Fix layout of portfolio panel when returning to the portfolio view from a different view

Thanks to all of our wonderful customers for providing feedback and helping us continue to improve Moneydance!
