Moneydance 2015.6 - Speed, Stability, and Archiving

I hope you’re ready for the sixth update to Moneydance 2015! There’s a long list of changes, all of which are listed after the break. As always, we welcome your feedback as we work to make Moneydance the best software for managing your money.

If you’ve purchased Moneydance 2014 or 2015, then this update is completely free. Anyone who purchased an older version of Moneydance gets a stupendous 50% off the regular price when upgrading through the website; just a small thank you for being a loyal customer. As usual, we never force you to upgrade Moneydance: old versions will continue working for just as long as you like. We never “sunset” features or services, so if you purchase Moneydance you won’t end up on a never-ending upgrade treadmill.

We invite you to download Moneydance 2015, or upgrade from a previous install. If you don’t mind a few minor restrictions (such as not having the extension/plugin installer) you can even purchase Moneydance on the Mac App Store once this update has made its way through the review process.

For some light bedtime reading, here is an exhaustive list of improvements in this update:

  • Add automatic archive-export feature
  • Add menu item for restoring backups
  • Update last modified date of data bundle/folder when items in the bundle change.
  • Make transaction details popup moveable
  • Save size/location of Transaction Details window.
  • Additional data integrity validation when opening a data file
  • Fix currency display in budget view
  • Fix how 'replace' correction actions are handled in downloaded transactions, fixing duplication issue with Schwab and Bank of American downloads
  • Show last 4 digits of payee number in payee selection list, if there is more than one payee with the same name
  • Fix running total amount in total row on Transactions report
  • Actually sort by date and category when subtotaling by category in txn filter report
  • Fix date sorting on transactions filter report when subtotaling by account or category
  • Fixed bug in which editing the 'other side' of a transaction places the original description into the memo of the other (split) side of the transaction
  • Fixed bug in which undo-ing a change causes a duplicate of the changed transaction to appear in the register until a restart is applied
  • Change wording on encryption menu item to focus more on password setting and saving
  • Fix bug that caused dropbox/mobile syncing to not stop when it was disabled
  • Refresh attachment panel when switching transactions
  • Graph/report name selector dropdown on memorize dialog now correctly shows list of graphs or reports
  • Improve splits and currency/security history re-ordering
  • Add same line memos option to Transaction Filter, Transactions, Detailed Cash Flow, and Detailed Income & Expense reports
  • Fix account and category subtotaling in Transaction filter report
  • Fix import of group-by option on cash flow report when upgrading from 2014 files
  • Update security certificates
  • add RateAdjustmentOption setting for reminders (not yet enabled in UI)
  • When memorizing graphs and reports, text now matches the type
  • Fix handling of DivReinvest txns in lot matching window
  • Missing checks report now flags duplicate check numbers
  • Fix default category selection in payment pane and transaction reminder windows
  • unset JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in unix launcher to workaround some linux package breaking things
  • Rename "clear" button on security history window to "clear all"
  • Add confirmation dialog when clearing security/currency price history snapshots
  • New indicator icon that a reminder is scheduled for weekly/monthly/daily/etc periods
  • Fixed delay in recalculating cost basis in the portfolio panel when an investment account is updated
  • Prevent deleted budgets from re-appearing
  • remove all references to RC4 (outdated encryption algorithm) from https support
  • Automatically refresh online banking service connection info older than 4 days
  • Online banking Refresh button now forces a service update, instead of just a profile update
  • Now accept drag-and-drop of moneydance and MoneydanceArchive data files to open
  • Updated fonts so that calendar titles and other text appears properly on windows 7
  • Tags field now gets focus properly in batch change window.
  • Category popup in investment registers will now only show the security name instead of :</li>
  • Fix error caused by recent change to totaling of income/expense intervals using exchange rates as of the interval dates
  • Category field now gets focus when opening batch change->category dialog
  • Income and Expenses reports subtotaled by period will now total and convert any inter-currency amounts as of the last date in the period rather than the current date
  • Save size and location of lot matching window
  • Fix cost basis in portfolio report
  • Speed up text display in console window.
  • In investment account registers, the register tab is now correctly highlighted when opening the register by selecting a txn in the security detail view
  • When deleting transactions, the warning message now tells you how many txns you are about to delete
  • Fix security sorting in the account selector of various reports. Securities are now properly sorted under the parent investment account.
  • Fix warning when deleting cleared tons. Also warns if other side of txn is cleared
  • Fix layout problem when "too many accounts to show" label is used on the summary screen
  • Don't try and use helvetica [neue] for the UI on windows
  • Updated German localisation
  • Slight speedup (and memory reduction) to data file loading
  • Make it possible to delete items from mixed-interval budgets
  • Fix average cost basis calculation on Capital Gains report
  • Fix import window title
  • Fix line breaks in account set descriptions when creating a new file
  • Fix ROI number reported on investment performance report.
  • Restored (and improved) transaction highlighting when pressing the alt key while the mouse cursor is over a transaction in a bank register
  • Fix bug that was causing reminder transactions to not load address book entries properly
  • Add support for importing moneydancearchive files directly
  • Fix check selection window to allow checks to be selected for printing. Also, de-uglify font in that window
  • If in the UK, take advantage of local settings such as the first day of the week
  • </ul>