Moneydance 2022.4, Moneydance+ Gets Investing

Everyone’s favourite personal finance software has been improving in leaps and bounds! Moneydance 2022 has significant new features, most notably the Moneydance+ service, which can seamlessly download transactions from over eleven thousand North American financial institutions. Thousands more are coming soon in the UK and Europe. We’re really excited about this, as the number of supported banks, the quality of downloaded data, connection security, and reliability are beyond what was possible with direct connections. Don’t worry if your bank still provides direct OFX connections; we will fully support them as long as your bank does.

The most recent update, version 2022.4, brings investment download support to Moneydance+ connections. Since a few major brokerages discontinued their support for direct OFX connections last year, this support restores many people’s ability to download their investments into Moneydance. So now you can have your investment accounts fully connected again for a complete and up-to-date view of your finances.

We know you’ll love the new features, especially the ease with which you can download and sync all of your transactions using Moneydance+. As we mentioned in our blog post on privacy in online banking, Moneydance+ is an add-on which requires a very low-priced subscription. There is a free trial, and it is cancelable at any time. Because running the service incurs a fee for us, and since we don’t sell ads or customer data, it’s necessary for us to cover our costs. You can still always purchase Moneydance with a one-off payment, and it’s yours to keep, forever, with no sunsetting of features or additional charges.

Available for immediate download from our site, the Mac App Store, and very soon from the Microsoft Store.

Please see below for the full list of changes:

  • Removed embedded browser. If you used and like the embedded browser, please let us know! It seemed that very few people knew about it and even fewer used it, so we've removed it, possibly temporarily.
  • Moneydance+ now supports investment accounts! (in North America, with EU and UK coming soon)
  • Fix a bug when first creating a custom color theme
  • No longer show a value in the price column of an Investment Transactions report or Securities Detail screen if the transaction doesn't have a price applied
  • Include more information in Moneydance+ error notification windows
  • Fix extensions window updating after adding or removing an extension
  • When restoring a window's saved state, use the default size if the stored size is smaller than a certain threshold. This helps avoid the tiny-window-in-corner-of-screen problem that a few people had been experiencing.
  • Fixed Turkish Lira currency ID in default data set
  • Moneydance now always shows the download options menu if alt is pressed when clicking the download button
  • You can now merge transactions which were downloaded from different financial institutions using the same service. This means you can have an account download transactions from PayPal as well as from your bank, using Moneydance+
  • The create-account window is now cancelable with the escape key (except on Mac, sorry. It's a long story)
  • Updated 32-bit Windows installers
  • Updated bundled Quotes & Rates extension to work with Yahoo Quotes connection
  • Fixed new-transaction button when switching between investment accounts
  • Creating a new transaction from the Security Detail screen now creates a transaction pre-set to the selected security
  • Don't immediately merge correction transactions if the auto-merge-downloaded transactions option is not enabled
  • Increased debug logging of Moneydance+ downloaded transactions when the console window is open
  • Fix bug that prevented overwriting the selected file when saving console window contents
  • Fix investment transactions report bug which showed incorrect column headers
  • Fix debit/credit amount reversal in the Transaction Filter report
  • Fix alignment issue in Memorized Graphs and Reports summary screen title
  • Improved handling of rare encryption errors in older parts of some data files
  • Fixed a bug when importing some CSV files which contain multi-level category names, such as "Entertainment:Coding"
  • Added loan account type to the income/expenses graph config panel
  • Fixed a memory leak when syncing using iCloud Drive
  • Fix crash in certain iCloud syncing situations
  • Fix bug in which inactive accounts do not appear dimmed in the Accounts or Categories windows
  • Fixed handling of downloaded correction transactions that could result in multiple duplicates
  • Fix high contrast theme in which secondary text had the same color as the default
  • Fix bug preventing clicking on the create-category action when a non-existent category has been typed during transaction entry
  • Improved logging when invalid data is encountered when loading or syncing
  • Case-insensitive sorting for account and category names
  • When restoring from a backup/archive file, the new data file is set as a primary sync node
  • Add transaction metadata to memo field when downloading from Moneydance+
  • Fix field focus issue when shift-tabbing backwards from the description field during transaction entry
  • Improve popup behaviour for transaction entry fields, including appearance and keyboardability
  • Fixed "other side" issues with transaction filter report filtering and display
  • Double-clicking a transaction in the Advanced Find window now shows the transaction in the account in which it was entered
  • New securities now default to 5 decimal places (was 4)
  • Securites window now show more information for each security: current price, last update, and price in relative currency if applicable
  • When downloading transactions, we now ensure the requested start date/time is the first second of the day
  • Ensure that the last-download-date for transaction downloads is never in the future
  • Improvements when changing color schemes
  • Improvements and bug fixes to Investment Transactions report
  • Improvements to Transaction Filter report, including a new category filter field
  • Added the ability to copy/save Moneydance+ debugging info to console window
  • Fix register sorting by category when clicking on column header
  • Added certificate authorities for some OFX services
  • Improved Moneydance+ relinking notifications and process to be less annoying
  • Constrain dates to prevent graphs from not updating if there are invalid dates in price histories
  • Improvements to native-ness of buttons, views, and colors on the mac
  • Show extension list download errors in the extensions window instead of a more annoying separate window
  • Included more debugging information when logging sync errors
  • Improve performance with large numbers of transaction reminders are present
  • Improve performance with Foresight graph recalculation
  • Use monospaced/code font in console window
  • Fix slowdown when loading certain files with large account structures
  • Color scheme improvements and fixes
  • Improvement to security-matching window
  • Improved status updates when downloading and de-duplicating transactions
  • Memorized Graphs and Reports are now listed alphabetically in the separate Graphs and Reports window
  • Minor increase to extension restrictions
  • Inactive accounts are now available to select in transaction search report and Advanced Find window
  • No longer show meaningless security price in register for investment transactions that don't have a price but do have an associated security
  • Improved currency and security list window, including more useful display and remembering their size and position
  • Improvements to Moneydance+ transaction downloads, including not saving a last-download date if there were no transactions in the most recent download
  • Made font loading more resilient to errors seen on 32 bit Windows
  • More fully remove sync state and encryption passwords upon resetting sync settings
  • Updated Dropbox SDK
  • Fixed crash when setting/changing certain color schemes on the mac
  • Fix error on mac when choosing a future foresight time period
  • Fix account/category sorting in popups, reports, mobile sync data, etc. so that it is sorted by type and then name, while continuing to have case insensitive sort in popups
  • The escape key now hides various dialog and prompt windows by default
  • Allow console parameter in windows 32 bit launcher
  • Indicate that it's necessary to click on rows in the Moneydance+ setup window to select an account
  • Improved feedback (window shake and select password) when an incorrect password has been entered when loading a file
  • Added window when restoring a .moneydancearchive file, providing the ability to rename the restored file as well as an option to keep or reset sync settings
  • Improved speed when saving daily backups
  • Download button is now always enabled and shows a popup menu if there are multiple download options available. It also can start the process to set up a connection
  • Improve currency/security history window calculation that determines whether an edited price was changed
  • Show all decimal places for prices in net worth report
  • Show all decimal places for prices in the Portfolio Report
  • Fixed sign of rate/price in downloaded inter-currency transactions
  • Improved window management when showing prompt windows
  • Minor tweaks to account matching dialog when downloading or importing OFX data
  • Include number of downloaded transactions in post-download status text
  • Automatic date axis labels in graphs, including in the security detail view
  • The Show Splits checkbox in Transaction Filter report now works again, but more correctly. It now always expands split transactions if they are inter-currency or the report is grouping by category.
  • Allow saving reports to CSV with a Byte Order Mark ("CSV, Encoded for Excel")
  • Ensure that various windows and popups appear on-screen, as they weren't before on some multi-display windows systems.
  • Allow downloading of Moneydance+ transactions from multiple different source accounts, for example PayPal and a bank account
  • Case insensitive sorting in window prompting the matching of local securities to online counterparts