Moneydance 2021.1

We’re so happy to announce the latest update to your favorite money manager. A plethora of big-deal improvements await you after a quick download. If you’re using a Mac you’ll notice a fresh native interface including automatic switching between dark and light modes. Tinkerers will be pleased with support for Python-based extensions. There are almost too many small improvements to list, but we think you’ll enjoy the numerous bits of polish and tweaking as well as plenty of bug fixes. With Moneydance 2021.1 maintaining your personal accounts and checking your cash flow will be the highlight of your day.

As always, with Moneydance you never need to give up any privacy or allow your banking data to flow through any faceless corporations. Your data is never accessible by anyone but you and your banks.

Available for immediate download from our site and very soon from the Mac App Store and Microsoft Store.

  • Overhaul to Python extension support. It is now possible to build and package extensions to Moneydance that are fully implemented in Python. Further, Python extensions can declare supported entry points, allowing extensibility for deeper integration
  • Native interface including automatic switching between dark and light mode on macOS, obeying the system setting for auto-hiding scroll bars
  • New preferences tab with appearance settings, including the ability to select any font you like and change the color theme without requiring a restart
  • Fixed crashes on macOS when using multiple monitors
  • Fixed conflict with the macOS 11 (Big Sur) open-documents-in-tabs setting
  • Fixed highlighting of future transactions in the register
  • Fixed issue with saving the relative base currency for securities
  • Improved settings for check number popup and auto-completion, including the ability to have account-specific settings
  • Fixed error when generating a budget report in certain circumstances
  • Handle invalid dates properly when reading OFX
  • Fixed bug when importing or un-archiving a file when the main moneydance window is not yet open
  • Fixed bug in automatic updating of online banking connection parameters
  • Skip shared folder metadata files with dot prefixes when scanning for sync updates
  • Resolve some summary screen drawing errors after importing or syncing
  • The account properties editor now shows the correct name for the summary/root account
  • Enable (end-to-end encrypted) tunneling for OFX exchanges with certain banks. This permits connections to financial institutions with special security requirements, such as Schwab and Fidelity
  • Restored custom TLS layer settings for connections requiring custom tweaks (including Fidelity)
  • Ensure that all currency snapshot information is included in JSON exports
  • New file encoding options in QIF import settings window
  • Ensure that the destination account is remembered when importing QIF files info new accounts
  • Fixed bug that often caused currency inconsistencies when the base currency was changed
  • Properly handle http proxy success responses
  • Tweaks to OFX support to allow connections using minimal http headers
  • Securities displayed under investment accounts on summary page now show the configured security suffix rather than "Shares"
  • Fixed window title when showing details of summary account
  • Sidebar tweaks, including fixing header row indentation
  • Update popup date picker to respond to color scheme changes and pick a date on mouse-up rather than mouse-down
  • Updated certain native libraries to enable code signing on the mac, avoiding scary warnings for Python-based extensions
  • Set moneydance_extension_loader variable in Python extensions that refers to the extension's class loader
  • Obey minbuild and maxbuild extension requirements at runtime (not just install time)
  • Fixed bug when sorting by the check number column
  • Miscellaneous internal graphics/UI improvements
  • Improve account/category selector when editing a transaction assigned to an inactive category or account
  • Don't add an escrow split to auto-commited loan transactions if the escrow amount is zero
  • Fixed bug in which the the sync base folder wasn't being created when setting up syncing on a new Dropbox Folder
  • Fixed horizontal alignment of printed report titles
  • Fixed font selection in printed reports
  • Obey text file encoding parameter header in OFX 2 XML headers
  • Fixed OFX header processing in OFX2 files
  • Summary page stock prices panel now shows full price rather than currency value
  • Fixed warning banner colors when an unverified extension is loaded
  • Fixed sorting and grouping issue in Investment Transactions and Transaction Filter reports
  • Fixed parent account name display in parent setting for credit card, liability, and loan account information