Mobile Moneydance: iOS and Android!

screenshow_newtxn Today we’ve not just one announcement, but two! It’s exciting times at The Infinite Kind.

First up, we’ve given the iOS version of Moneydance a much needed facelift. We’ve recognised for some time now that we’ve been neglecting Moneydance’s mobile offspring, and sat down a couple of months ago with a single goal of rectifying that. It was decided early on in the process that we needed to embrace iOS 7’s new visual language, and we’re definitely happy with how things turned out; no screen has been left untouched.

Moneydance IconIt also became apparent as we worked through the redesign that the existing icon looked, well, a little dated, so we enlisted some outside help who have really delivered with the spiffy new icon. The last thing we’d like to say on this release is that whilst it may only appear to be a visual change, we’ve actually made a large number of improvements under-the-hood which will allow us to deliver bigger updates more frequently moving forward; so watch this space.

Version 2.0 of Moneydance for iOS is available now; go get it!

screenshot_nexus5And now, the big announcement. This is HUGE. We are super excited to be able to announce the immediate release of Moneydance for Android. It’s okay, feel free to take a moment for that to sink in, we understand! An Android version of Moneydance is something that’s often been requested, and we’re really happy to finally be able to deliver on that request.

Just as with the new iOS version, we’ve worked really hard to develop an app that not only looks great, but feels right at home on the platform whilst still making transaction entry a cinch. And whilst this may only be version 1.0, don’t think for one minute that it is a second class citizen to the iOS app; we plan to have feature parity for both mobile versions. We can’t wait to hear what you think!

Version 1.0 of Moneydance for Android is available on Google Play now; go get it!
