2 years and counting...

My 2 year anniversary of working with The Infinite Kind recently passed, and I’ve been spending some time looking back through our archives and seeing how much progress we as a company have made in that time.  To celebrate my anniversary, I thought I’d share with our users a little of how we’ve developed.

In the past 2 years:

  • We've released 3 major updates to Moneydance 2010.
  • We've released an iPhone and iPad app.
  • We developed and released a new Quotes and Exchange Rates Downloader extension, vastly expanding the options for our users with non-US investments.
  • We released SyncSpace for the iPad,  which provides an infinite drawing space that can be shared in real time over the net.
  • I'm attending SXSW Interactive, where I'm meeting some of the best and brightest minds in the tech world today!
  • We've expanded from a support staff of 1 to a staff of 6.  We've also tripled our developing staff.
  • We moved to an integrated forum and support system, providing a higher quality support experience for our users, made voting on feature requests easier, and  built a fantastic forum community where users share information about how they use our program and offer their experience to other users.

But we’re not content to rest on our laurels.  Here’s what you can expect to see from Moneydance in the next few months

  • An Android version of SyncSpace, making collaboration even easier!
  • Videos and screenshots demonstrating some basic (and not so basic) features of Moneydance.
  • The continuation of our "Moneydance in Action" blog series, expanded to demonstrate more complex features of the program.
  • Expansion of our personal finance focused posts, and some fabulous guest bloggers.
  • A new release of the iPhone and iPad apps with a new Dropbox based syncing system.
  • And we're working with a partner to develop a Moneydance Android app!

Thanks to everyone in the Moneydance community for your support, and keep your eyes peeled for a big Moneydance 2011 announcement on our blog tomorrow!
