A new chapter for Moneydance in Action

When I originally planned my travels in Europe I had intended to stay for just shy of 6 months, but I’ve recently decided to return to the U.S. at the end of January.  I’ve had a wonderful time exploring different countries, but have grown tired of the frigid Budapest weather and am ready to return to a slightly less foreign environment.  I’ll be traveling to Austin, TX in early February and plan to remain for several months to enjoy warm weather, great music, and some excellent dance companies.

This travel change will also shift the focus of our “Moneydance in Action” blog series.  I’ll be posting about my European travels for the next month or so, and will then begin posting on my experiences in the U.S.  This will involve less multi-currency and international use, but will also allow me to focus on more complex features, such as setting up an envelope budgeting system.  I’ll also be addressing more day-to-day uses, like online bill payments and creative uses of reminders.

Due to the complexity of this move Moneydance in Action won’t be posting again until early February, but we’ll be starting our new series tomorrow.  Thanks for traveling with me, and I’ll see you in February!
