Looking back- Where Moneydance in Action has gone so far

I’ve been in Europe for a little over a month and am now happily settled in Avignon for the month of November.  Staying in hotels and guesthouses for so long makes settling in novel- I can buy more food than I can eat in 3 days, I have a fully equipped kitchen, and I’ve got a living room AND a bedroom.  The south of France is stunningly beautiful, walking out my front door is a bit like walking through a movie set- sweet couples walking hand in hand, fresh crusty bread from the bakery on the corner, cobblestone streets.

Our blog series has been gaining viewers over the past few weeks, and I thought we’d do a brief review of the tips and features we’ve highlighted so far.

  • In our Welcome to our new blog series I laid out my travel schedule and the general scope of the blog series.
  • In Customizing Moneydance I described how I customized my sidebar and homepage to provide the best snapshot of my finances and create an uncluttered visual experience.
  • Using multiple currency and foreign currency cash accounts followed in  Krona, Pounds, and Euros, oh my!
  • Creating a budget for this complex trip was the subject of Making my budget dance.
  • I described how Moneydance support person Jon and I kept our trip finances straight by using liability accounts in Liability accounts are a real asset when traveling.
  • I detailed a strategy for dealing with transfers between accounts and tracking cash flow in Dealing with delayed transfers.
  • Finally, I talked about how I use Moneydance's currency tools, as well as asset accounts, to make complex spending decisions in How much does it really cost? Where do we go from here?  In the next month I'll be writing about my experiences using the Moneydance iPhone app in 5 countries on dozens of different wifi networks, a budget review demonstrating some creative reporting and graphing techniques, and my strategies for creating buffer accounts.  I'll also be cross-posting a guest post I'm writing for another blog- more about that in a few weeks.

Thanks for coming with me on this journey, it’s been an amazing trip so far and there’s more to come!
