Moneydance 2010r3 Released

We at The Infinite Kind, LLC are pleased to announce the third significant update to Moneydance 2010. This release includes oodles of new features and bug fixes that are detailed after the break. If you already use Moneydance then you simply need to click the Check for new updates/extensions link on the home page and then follow the instructions to upgrade. If you are on a Mac we recommend downloading the whole app in order to benefit from improvements to the application wrapper/launcher.

We’re not resting on our laurels after this update, either. We’ve already begun working on more updates such as a significantly improved interface for categorizing/merging/confirming downloaded transactions, increasing the number of supported online banks and mind-blowing budgeting improvements.

Now for the full list of changes in Moneydance 2010r3:

  • Updated Norwegian and French translations
  • Added Danish translation courtesy of Stig Bøgelund Nielsen
  • UpdatedBrazilian/Portuguese translation
  • Added Asset Allocation Report
  • Added Tag Summary report
  • Added Transaction Search report
  • Added an Investment Portfolio report
  • Added an Investment Performance report
  • Full redesign of downloaded transaction matching/merging feature
  • Added Duplicate Transaction item to the default register action popup menu
  • Added support for CLIENTUID tags that uniquely identify the OFX client installation
  • Fixed bug in Quit menu handler on Mac OS X
  • Add option to mark online transactions as cleared when they are confirmed/accepted
  • Allow investment registers to perform limited batch change-account actions on transactions
  • Only allow sorting on columns that map to sort fields
  • Improve register scrollbar positioning when changing filters
  • Added license/registration status bar to the top of the home page until registration
  • No longer ask to save changes to a transaction if all you did was open the splits window
  • Added Entrust OFX SSL certificate
  • Enable 'drill down' on most reports so that virtually any row can be double-clicked to go to the transaction or account
  • Relocated user guide and documentation to where it will be updated more frequently, is printable and available in more formats
  • Allow investment account registers to do batch-change-account and batch-change-category operations only on bank (ie xfr or non-trading) transactions
  • Improvements to QIF importing, including handling of apparently new syntax for embedding bank transactions in an investment register
  • Add user-selectable currency to the Net Worth report, making Net Worth report and graph consistent
  • Fix issue when using 'Go To Transaction' if the transaction is invisible due to filtering. In such cases, we just turn off filtering before selecting the transaction.
  • When importing currency/security history, status bar now shows appropriate message if there were any failures
  • Add a summary section to the end of cash flow reports
  • Added transaction search report, providing incredible flexibility for sorting, grouping, filtering and displaying transactions
  • Budget bars now use the same calculation method as budget reports and dashboard
  • Budget bars now show actual spending even if there is no budget item for the category, or if the budget item is out of date
  • Fix a bug in the budget report in cases when no budgets are defined in the file
  • Add the 'as of' date back to Account Balance report, valid only for the 'Current Balance' option
  • Correction to tag filtering in the detailed cash flow report
  • Fixed issue in account balance graph related to account creation dates
  • Updated icons
  • Fixed QIF export of investment transactions
  • Changing locale now updates most sidebar items without requiring a restart to take effect
  • Fix total column in Transaction Report
  • Fixed register issue in which double-clicking on transactions always selected the first column. Now the field which is clicked on is selected
  • Fixed issue in which doing a batch selection of transactions didn't allow you to deselect transactions by reversing direction
  • No longer mark the data file as changed when opening a budget report from the home page
  • Fixed sidebar tooltip formatting
  • Allow adding categories to the sidebar
  • Sort the memorized reports and graphs to the top of reports/graphs section of sidebar
  • Fix minor display glitch in multi-account selector
  • Fixed budget dashboard display and remember the previously selected budget
  • View dashboard menus now have radio buttons to show which type of Dashboard (if any) is being displayed
  • Fixed bug preventing some registers from being printed
  • Fix right click menu in budget bars
  • Fix the Annual ROI % computation for the Investment Performance report
  • Fixed bug in matching OFX account types with Moneydance account types. This especially helps when dealing with CREDITLINE accounts.
  • Improved expenses and income graphs
  • Allow payee/description search to match descriptions in splits
  • Allow amount search to match amounts in splits
  • Show the application icon when the password dialog appears when running under Java 6 or higher
  • Fix gaps in sidebar caused by duplicated nodes (rare occurrence related to renaming and deleting accounts)
  • Fix issue when all accounts of a type were in the budget bars
  • Fix source account filtering in expenses graph
  • Fixed problem with main split view misbehaving when window was resized while sidebar was hidden
  • Change potential transaction merge detection so that downloaded transactions can combine with much older local transactions (default: 90 days) but not as distant newer local transactions (default: 14 days). If the user has chosen an override in the preferences then the date window is the same in both directions (older/newer).
  • Improve sidebar account selection - clicking home will always work even when a non-sidebar account is selected
  • When opening a new window for a side bar node, ensure the side bar node is selected in the new window.
  • Repair keyboard focus issue - the balance button had keyboard focus and was consuming all key presses
  • Fixed behavior of OR in advanced search
  • Limit recent files to 30 (really only useful for testers/developers). Also put full path and file name in recent file menu item tooltip, useful for everybody who opens the same file name but in different folders.
  • Added initial running balance in beginning of transaction report
  • Show both account and category in transaction report
  • Use base currency when 'all accounts' option is selected in the transaction report
  • Improve sorting by check number in some cases
  • Fixed issue in which identical previous transactions which were not originally downloaded are not offered as categorization suggestions for processing downloaded transactions
  • Repair online error message window sizes which were too small, making it hard to tell whether there is more information or not
  • Always roll up child categories in the budget detail view
  • Implemented export-by-account for QIF and tab delimited exports
  • Change budget report to allow non-budgeted categories to be shown, and also to hide items that are all zeroes
  • Repair memorization of the subtotal option on budget reports
  • Improve the default settings selections for the budget reports
  • Fix an issue caused by forcing the account selector to 'all accounts' mode, make Net Worth Graph behave like the Net Worth Report
  • Make the account selection list control aware of the different types of accounts
  • Revamp the expense report so that individual accounts can be included
  • Repairs to various algorithms to handle stock splits correctly, including Net Worth Report, Net Worth Graph and Portfolio Report
  • Consistency and ease of use improvements to Expenses and Income graphs
  • No longer overwrite a non-empty memo field when accepting a downloaded transaction
  • Show or hide the info text / filter toggle in certain add/remove dialogs
  • Do not allow selecting security currency types as the base type for accounts
  • Reduce clutter in the account selection list control
  • Sort securities / currencies lists
  • Fixed typo bug with (very rare) OFX delete transaction display
  • Added transaction and account/category filtering to the Income and Expense graph
  • Added account column in the detailed income and expenses report
  • Improve report column auto-sizing
  • Show parent description of splits if split description is blank
  • Properly calculate cost basis when the stock splits. Fixes for both average cost and lot-based cost
  • Rearrange currency/security import window and workflow
  • Allow OFX connections to certain banks using OFX version 1.0.3
  • Changed calculator shortcut to command/ctrl-shift-L
  • Collapse budget items of the same category into one budget report row
  • Hide zero balance securities in net worth report
  • Improve consistency between budget report, budget dashboard and budget bars on home page
  • Add sale transaction commission to lot-based costs (already included in average cost)
  • Revise the Annual ROI percentage when 'all dates' is used, locking the date to the last transaction
  • Change budget report to allow non-budgeted categories to be shown, and also to hide items that are all zeroes
  • Allow category accounts to be marked 'Tax Related' and to use this marking with the income and expense report
  • Clarify that the start date is as of the start of the day, not the end in the investment performance report
  • Fixed cut/copy/paste menus and shortcut keys
  • Improved subtotaling and totaling in the transaction report in some cases
  • Fix an issue with tag settings in memorized reports
  • Disable the Next button while downloading/updating FI connection information for a quick fix to the situation where a user clicks Next multiple times while waiting for the download
  • Fixed dates of transaction reminder notifications when invoked from calendar view
  • Create formal enum for investment transaction type
  • Properly handle all transaction types in the investment report
  • Don't always include zero in security price graph Y axis on the security detail panel
  • Investment performance report: Add the ability to hide zero balance accounts.
  • Investment performance report: Fix issues with dates older than securities
  • Clean up some issues with report dates older than securities in portfolio report
  • Add the cash balance to the account total balance and cost basis in portfolio report
  • Allow security and currency price history to be imported from a text file (comma separated, tab separated, or '|'-separated)
  • Fixed issue in which using the up/down arrow in the transaction cleared status field would display the status popup menu as well as select the previous/next transaction in the list, putting the register into a funky state
  • When searching for similar transactions to an online transaction, if a candidate for matching was not downloaded, use the manually entered payee/description for matching. Otherwise, the description as originally downloaded is used to match
  • Change batch-change-category behavior so that it properly deals with investment transactions.
  • It also now works with split transactions, although setting every split to the same category is a bit silly
  • Really hide sidebar when toggling visibility (it no longer re-appears when the window is resized)
  • Allow reverting of auto-merged downloaded transactions in new matching interface
  • Reduced indentation of nodes in sidebar (and allowed all nodes to be indented)
  • Improved performance and resource usage of sidebar view
  • Made download-all-transactions not open registers for all accounts that are downloaded.
  • When transactions are deleted through the register they are also removed from the (hidden) selection
  • Prevent saving of window size and location when the window (frame) is minimized/iconified
  • Repair issue in account balance graph when the price of the security is exactly $1
  • Make the default size of the graph and report options window larger to avoid controls being cut off
  • Support searching on the Tax Date field
  • Generate a search report right from the search results
  • Budget bars: add a 'this week' and 'last week' option for those who track weekly budgets
  • Budget bars: allow multiple budget items to be specified for the same category
  • Add information to the splits window about the parent transaction to which they belong
  • Added print function and double-click handling to quick-search register on home page
  • Add cleared status and tag searching
  • Fixed an issue in which stock splits were not correctly displayed in the currency/security graph
  • Fixed a summation bug in net worth report
  • Fix cost basis calculation in multiple locations. Sale fees/commissions apply only to the sale transaction.
  • Fixed columns in investment transaction reminder editing (as opposed to notification)
  • Capital gains fixes - handle short sales better, add sales fees to the basis (short term basis first, then long term)
  • Add the share balance to Net Worth when showing securities, providing a way to see share balances as of a given date
  • Fixed a bug with copying reports or graphs to the clipboard
  • Fixed a bug in which a modified but not memorized report displayed a blank title
  • Allow integer percentages to have trailing zeroes to look nice on a report
  • Fixed bug where thousands delimiter (usually a comma) wasn't displaying for values in currencies that had zero decimal places
  • Set the title of embedded reports to the memorized report name in order to be consistent with the previous (and new-window) memorized reports
  • Update the amount shown when a register search is updated