
Around 4am (Arizona), I woke up to the sound of my iphone doing a staccato dance on my night stand. We have been the target of a Joe Job. Essentially, someone (or more likely a spambot) forged their outgoing spam to have our support inbox’s email address as the sender. Due to the nature of email as a protocol, this is actually pretty easy to do, even if it is pretty evil minded.

This means two things. The first, if you sent me an email recently, I haven’t seen it yet. (the mail client I use) has had a rough time even staying connected to our mail server. I will try my best to sift through the thousands of out of office and bounce messages but I might accidently overlook yours in the cleaning. The second, this Joe Job makes it look like we sent people spam. We didn’t. We will never ever send you an email that you don’t want. We hate spam, and more importantly we have ethics.

Here at Reilly Tech, we do our very best to help our users; we don’t annoy them with advertisements in our software, we don’t sunset product features, and we sure as hell don’t send spam.
