UK Banking Law Perplexes Me

I’ve been researching UK bank regulations, law, and practices for a couple weeks now in an effort to better understand the UK Banking community. Since we have quite a few users who are located in the UK (including our wonderful developer, Sean), I thought I might point out a neat little blog I’ve found that covers the (very) confusing world of Bank Law in the United Kingdom: Bank Law Blog.

It’s probably not the best place to start if you’re completely unfamiliar with the subject, as some of the shorter entries take the reader’s expertise for granted. Take, for example, March 6th’s entry:

Business rates are an administration expense

"The House of Lords has decided that business rates must be paid before administrators take their remuneration.  The effect of the ruling in re Trident Fashions, Exeter City Council clarifies a position that has been uncertain since early 2006."

I spent a few minutes on Google after reading that one. But generally a cursory knowledge of finance and law will let you access the insight and commentary that “1BankBlogger” provides on a regular basis.
